Do you have a beloved old suitcase kicking around? My client Cindy did, a suitcase that she inherited from her mother who had recently passed. Cindy asked that I create a memorial piece using my glasswork and the suitcase. She supplied me with the imagery that was important while tasking me to represent her family as sheep with all the critters included.
First I create a sketch of my idea for the glasswork.

After Cindy approved the idea, I got to work. Shown below is a piece of clear glass covered with colored crushed glass before I fired it in my kiln.

After that the painting process begins. For me it is a amazingly fun process involving many layers of painting, removing paint and firing.

The finished glass panel.

The glass installed, case embellished and finished with a 1.5 watt led bulb inside

Want to see more of my illuminated sculptural work?
Please visit my "Illuminated Sculpture" and "Commissioned Glasswork" galleries.